18 Ocak 2013 Cuma


                            BEST WAY TO COMMUNICATE

       Because of development of technology face-to-face communication lost its value. As technological devices provide constant communication for people, they tend to use them more often. However, they don’t realize the fact that it isn’t the same thing as seeing each other in flesh. Communication is a need for people in their life. They express themselves, share their feelings and make new friends by communicating with one another. It is the best when communication is face-to-face. If you see someone’s face and his facial expression while talking, you can better understand him. On the other hand, when you chat with your friend on net you can’t be sure if he tells the true. Moreover, touching is also a way to communicate and it makes communication more effective. It is only possible when you talk someone face-to-face.  Lastly, when we miss our relatives, friends we don’t only want to talk them but also want to see and hug them. The only way to do is face-to-face communication.

     To sum up, face-to-face communication is the best way to express ourselves and understand others when compared to letters, telephone etc. Also, it is the only way to  have a real and healthy relationship with others.

  This video indicates ideally what I mention in my paragraph. As it is seen in the video face-to-face communication isn’t a new thing. On the contrary it is the oldest way to communicate but it isn’t in demand anymore. Unfortunately, technological devices have already taken the place of face-to-face communication. However, there isn’t any device more effective than face-to-face communication. People should be aware of this fact and they should give due importance to face-to-face communication.

2 yorum:

  1. Dear Hale,

    I like reading your reflection on the face-to-face communication issue. Your journal and the video have really a coherence. In addition, not only your examples are enlightening but also the video including diagrams about the topic reinforces your journal. Thanks for your sharing. :)

  2. Dear Hale,

    I liked the way you approach to the situation. Yes, it is true that face-to-face communication is not as widespread as in the past because of development in technology. For example, we usually do not meet people we want to communicate but talk to them on the phone or on the internet. That is just one of the results of degenerating of today’s youth. If I am to talk about myself, I really hate people who prefer to talk on the phone or on the internet with the one they want to communicate although they can meet outside and communicate face-to-face. Therefore, I strongly agree with you about it. Another point that draws my attention is that the video has striking statistics. Thank you and I hope you share your other reflections soon :)
