31 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba


                           JOURNAL  ENTRY 4 : A NEW SLOGAN FOR METU

    When I first watched the introductory film of METU , I thought they exaggerated the situation a bit. But in general the slogan “We Can Change The World” fits the characteristics of METU students.  Because we have the ability to make useful changes to make this world a better place for everybody. 

     Moreover , we believe that when we are provided with free-thought-environment , we don’t limit our capacity. When I think about the other slogan (I brain ODTÜ ) I find it very creative. It reflects that METU students are clever and wise people. They attach importance to think freely.

     But if I got a chance to create a new slogan for  METU , i would choose the one that “The Best Investment To Your Future”. I would prefer it since nobody can deny the academic achievements of METU. It graduates thousands of promising students ,  who can make huge novelties , every single year. This feature makes METU one of the most respected universities in the world. As long as it has these brilliant students and academicians it will continue to be one of the best.

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