31 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba


                           JOURNAL  ENTRY 4 : A NEW SLOGAN FOR METU

    When I first watched the introductory film of METU , I thought they exaggerated the situation a bit. But in general the slogan “We Can Change The World” fits the characteristics of METU students.  Because we have the ability to make useful changes to make this world a better place for everybody. 

     Moreover , we believe that when we are provided with free-thought-environment , we don’t limit our capacity. When I think about the other slogan (I brain ODTÜ ) I find it very creative. It reflects that METU students are clever and wise people. They attach importance to think freely.

     But if I got a chance to create a new slogan for  METU , i would choose the one that “The Best Investment To Your Future”. I would prefer it since nobody can deny the academic achievements of METU. It graduates thousands of promising students ,  who can make huge novelties , every single year. This feature makes METU one of the most respected universities in the world. As long as it has these brilliant students and academicians it will continue to be one of the best.

16 Ekim 2012 Salı

                             JOURNAL 3 :   MORE THAN A UNIVERSITY

     University is such an important part of our lives that we have always dreamed about it since high-school’s first years. Everyone has different images in their minds when they think about their ideal university. I can count some specific characteristics of my ideal university.
     First of all , campus should be big and full of green area since such a nice place always makes me peaceful. People in this campus are also an important criteria for me. I want them to be open-minded , cheerful and friendly. In this way they can express themselves freely. Moreover my ideal university has all the necessary materials and facilities for my profession. It helps me to improve myself on every hand. It creates me a free environment to make my dreams come true. Apart from these , it has lots of social activities and clubs. Thus, students find opportunity to socialize and get away from the stress of the courses. Lastly, it provides accommodation for all student so that no one faces any troubles to find a place to stay.
     When I compare METU with my ideal university I can say that it fits almost all my criteria.  Because it is one of the best universities in terms of academic and social life. It offers everything that a student will need.

                            JOURNAL 2 : BEING A PART OF METU

   METU is like an another lovely city in Ankara with its beautiful campus. Being a part of this feels so good as i have always dreamed about it.
  In METU we have lots of facilities to improve ourselves , to socialize or to specialize in our fields. In other words , it gives countless opportunity to make us more sophisticated and extrovert. A great many examples can be given for it. Firstly , we have a huge and fully equipped library which provides a lot of materials and access to all kind of information. Secondly , campus supplies almost everything that anybody needs. It is a rare feature that few universities have. Lastly , there are many kinds of club here and they enable us to meet other people , make new friends and be a part of something. Anyone can find at least one club that  appeals to him. When we think about academic advantages of being a METU student, we can say that “English as a language of education” is a big opportunity. In this way students will be one step ahead in their field when trying to make a career. Besides all these good properties there are challenges too. Courses are so hard and it is the biggest challenge for me as I have to study hard every time. But when I think my future career this challenge becomes less important to me.
    But overall , being a METU student is a great thing and every single day I spend here will be an unforgettable experience. It means more than a university for me.